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Chosen Payments  Thousands of retailers trust Chosen Payments with their credit card processing because of their advanced technology solutions. Jeff Brodsly is a man with great...

Enriching the Future of Manufacturing

Siemens USA  “We are in a moment where we need to look ahead and think deeply to be prepared for what may come next. We...

Build the Future

Growing up as an enthusiastic gymnast, little did Kate Biber—owner of Alkalign Studio, Irvine, CA—know that her initial barre class would be incredibly challenging....

Rethinking Project Management

About twenty years ago, every services organization was tasked with several challenges due to the absence of technology and strategies to cope with the...

Defense Health Agency Delivering on Health IT Modernization Effort

The Department of Defense’s Military Health System is one of the nation’s largest health care delivery systems. Our enterprise encompasses more than 144,000 clinical...

Pioneering Patient Care

McKesson Corporation “Innovation plays a crucial role in sustaining health.” Biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, information technology, the development of medical devices and equipment, and more have all...

SurPaaS’ing Customer Expectations with Smart Cloud Migration and SaaS-Enablement

Corent Technology  A recent Forbes article covers a study on cloud technology that involves over hundreds of respondents from the cloud services landscape. The study...

Delivering the ‘Experience’ for Better Results with Cloud

Big Bang ERP  “It takes a village (of smart people), but we can tackle anything,” says Gabriel Tupula responding to the anxieties that often shape...

Failover and Fall Back are Important on Cloud!

Stage2Data  Enterprises are moving rapidly to large cloud computing platforms to run their apps and very often, most of them tend to ignore the very...

Forge Beyond Communication with Conferencing

MeetingOne  When it comes to aligning daily business functions with technology, the biggest concern for organizations is to make their work force more self-reliant. Giving...
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