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Insights & Viewpoints

3 reasons why Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is important for small businesses

It’s true what they say, when they say “Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are powerful tools when used correctly!” Understanding CRM, the features available and...

Redefining Modern Cloud Manufacturing Quality and Compliance Experience

ComplianceQuest  “Today, with the rapid growth in business, many manufacturing firms are looking beyond the adage of employing traditional, on-premise, legacy software that give no...

Solutions for Retailers of All Sizes

Square, Inc. “No one should be left out of the economy because the cost is too great or the technology too complex”—a simple yet powerful...

The Next Phase of the Digital Transformation of the Construction Industry

I have been in the design and construction industry for almost 50 years, and since 2006 I have been producing a series of free...

Pros and Cons of Cloud ERP

Is a cloud based ERP system right for you? There are many pros and cons to Cloud ERP, let’s talk about a few. What is...

Industry 4.0 Surfing the Coronavirus Digitalization Transformation Wave

During my keynote lecture in front of close to 2’000 people about “How 5G reframes Industrial Manufacturing” at the 16th Manufacturing International Forum in...

Digitizing Surgical Workflows and Data Management

The global healthcare industry has shifted with the advent of cloud-based platforms and cutting-edge technologies that boost productivity and profitability. Unlike traditional healthcare models,...

Experiencing the Healthy Building

Is my building healthy? Pre-COVID, most of us entered buildings blissfully unaware of our health status, assuming that the owners and operators of our spaces...

Enterprises Gear Up for a Cloudy Future

Boundless Insights at Lightning Speed Land was the original economic driver, then factories and manufacturing, and today it is data, organizations who have the timeliest...

Build the Future

Growing up as an enthusiastic gymnast, little did Kate Biber—owner of Alkalign Studio, Irvine, CA—know that her initial barre class would be incredibly challenging....
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