Where the Enterprise Meets Digital

One of the Pioneers of ‘API-first’


Dirk Hörig, CEO & Co-founder, commercetools
Dirk Hörig, CEO & Co-founder, commercetools
Online retail business is beyond the definition of selling products and goods over the internet. Any informed, digital enthusiast would agree that the digital space of retail companies and brands is ruled by a vast number of variables. It takes a complex matrix of technology platforms and strategic approaches for content creation, replacement of legacy approaches, algorithms driven marketing tools, data analysis and much more.
Messages, marketing campaigns, product promotions and brand messages of many retail giants circulated across the digital and social spectrum are memorable for the end customers. To achieve a state where the customers reactions are sensitive to their online actions, its requires a smart interplay of the variables.
Commercetools is a part of this new-age philosophy of retail businesses. Its key variable is its ‘leading-edge API approach’ that helps retailers to chart a brand name and create value by empowering their commerce teams to design unique and engaging digital commerce experiences.
Founded in 2006 by Dirk Heorig, CEO, Commercetools, the firm focused primarily on cloud and developing cloud-based enterprise e-Commerce software. In course of time as their customers became more technical and pressured to adhere to the changing phase of the market, Commercetools was able to identify that most platforms were not developer friendly and had long learning curve.
Commercetools made it their goal to enable any kind of developer (PHP, Java, .Net or even native apps like iOS) be able to easily get onboard in less than a week.
Later in the 2010s, global e-Commerce platforms started evolving and large chunk of their business were not from desktop-focused platforms. This trend inspired Commeretools to roll out API-first enterprise commerce platforms that had separate channels and user interface but with same product data, complex pricing structure, personalization features and much more.
Today, Commercetools is one of the visionaries in the sense of being API-first platforms. Additionally, they also provide a complete suite of enterprise commerce platforms with SDKs, front-end tooling, integrations to ERP systems, backend tooling to business users, e-Commerce managers and much more.
Not less than two months ago, many tweets and hashtags mentioned Commercetools, indicating the celebratory mood of the firm as it was ranked among the global leaders in digital commerce space.  The cloud-based, API-first commerce platform of Commercetools has put the company at the forefront and chart a niche by providing the ‘building blocks’ for the post webshop era.
Software-as-a-service Company by Conviction!
Its expertise in the e-Commerce space and experience of serving retail customers has garnered significant recognition across broad range of industries.  The experiences of being in the retail and e-Commerce segment for a notably long period has enabled the firm to exceed expectations of its clients with the right set of know-how to build intuitive and innovative solution platforms. Commercetool is a software-as-a-service company by conviction and its name is reflective of fervor of enabling a platform where ‘the enterprise meets digital’!
Unearthing the attributes and use cases of Commercetools’ solutions for next generation commerce is a much better way to relate to the company’s foothold in the retail market segment. Guaranteed for adding speed and flexibility, the solutions of Commercetools frees its customers from the trouble of handling technological complexities that come on the way and allows them to focus on serving clients.
One of the commonly sought solutions of Commercetools is the Content Commerce which is an offering that takes over the reins of commerce platforms while empowering customers to curate superior content. Simply put, the customers deal with the content and Commercetools has the entire commerce covered. This unique methodology creates significant opportunity from the retail companies and brands to define new ways of creating compelling content that can be used across innovative touchpoints and avoid technology related challenges.
Once the path for marketing is free of confusions and wastages of resources and time, modern retail businesses can not only thrive in the digital space but also power their marketing teams and IT to deliver unified commerce and brand experience.
Leveraging Omnichannel Strategy  
Multiple device browsing is one the salient aspects of modern online shopping. Regardless of whether the customers engage in online and offline shopping behaviours, they prefer retailers to deploy a smooth omnichannel strategy to deliver seamless shopping experiences.  This means retail merchants should gear up by connecting their technologies across various retail channels, interconnecting applications and allowing data exchange. At Commercetools, omnichannel solutions across web, mobile and POS are devised to cater to both online and offline customers’ demands, increase loyalty and boost revenue generation.
Another important benefit of omnichannel strategy is that customers need not vest too much attention, creating separate departments to manage transactions in each channel but to provide a holistic view to avoid information silo. Additionally, the omnichannel strategy also mandates the use of flexible infrastructure that can integrate with 3rd party solutions by means of standard connectors and APIs.
Commercetool’s omnichannel mission for retail companies and brands is to allow them to experience the benefits when using a multichannel strategy. However, the benefits of omnichannel are much impactful in terms of cost, customer experience and access to product information.
As a result, the overall cost of running advertising campaigns across all sales channels will be distributed and customers easily engage in search, order and purchase activities, anytime and anywhere.  In the omnichannel channel strategy, connecting the offline stores with the online channels gives customers more options for product selection and buying. This also helps in aiding their decision-making process and making comparative assessments of products in terms of price, quantity, discount, etc.
Tapping the Advantages of Microservices Architecture
Commercetools’ microservices solutions help customers switch their monolithic applications to microservices architecture to avail the benefit of speed and reduced time to market. Microservices work as separate service units that execute individual tasks in the entire process within the application. The microservice units can establish communication with the help of microprograms via APIs or standardized programming interfaces.
Microservices enable faster integration functions and reduce the time taken to go live. Besides, the agile architecture helps retails clients to stay updated about recent market trends and recognize opportunities to plan up their developments and processes for the future.
Commercetools’ microservice solutions are equipped to provide customers of retail businesses the option to transact anywhere and anytime. The idea is to take the complexities out of the sales processes wherein, it involves multiple interactions with customers.  Microservices gives retail customers an added advantage by enabling their clients to be fully in charge during purchases and transact in their own terms.
Changing the Course of Retail with Easy-to-use Frontend and Native Shopping Apps
In addition to its unique solutions that have charted a new wave of change in the industry in terms of way the retailers engage with customers and reap the benefits of speed to market, integration abilities and cost distribution, Commercetools has a repertoire of feature-rich platforms.
These commerce platforms built on scalable cloud architecture make shopping a memorable experience for end customers and easy to manage for retail firms and brands. These platforms are open for integrations as per the changing customer needs and business models. For fast moving businesses, Commercetools’ facilitates with the best-of-breed approach, connecting state-of-art, dedicated applications. These apps create an ecosystem of integrated apps that help merchants and retail clients substitute their individual components and quickly adhere to market trends.
Customers based on their need for integration, development, omnichannel communication and other requirements can explore Commerectools’ platforms like Omnichannel PIM, SUNRISE Quickstart and much more.
 The retail technology market is in a state of flux and amidst the changing trends the possibilities for disruptive digital retail services are plenty. Commercetools is heading the revolution of change at the similar pace where customers are getting connected and expectations are rising.