A Review of Online Education and Web Services: A Consideration of Cloud Technologies on...
There are industries that are always on the leading edge of technology and first to leverage the benefits of digital solutions. Education and Online...
Why Cloud matters
One thing is certain today: Cloud technology is no longer a nice-to-have, an exploratory technology, or something for your organization to consider. It is...
Using the Cloud to increase your sales revenue
Sales and marketing technology options continue to increase at an exponential rate. According to the 2018 Marketing Technology Landscape, the number of solutions has...
Document Management in the Cloud
Law firms are unique in that the product they produce is in the form of documents whether they be briefs, agreements, contracts, etc. As...
Disruption, disruption, disruption…
Today, business executives from every sector are faced with an overwhelming dilemma. How do we respond to all this “disruption” in our markets? How...
From Hardware Servers to Serverless
Amazon AWS, Google Cloud and others are now chasing each other to see who will win the Serverless revolution. Amazon calls it Lambda Functions,...
Get the Basics Right before Implementing Cloud Computing
The hype and excitement around cloud computing continues to rise in leaps and bounds across the world with attention coming from all quarters. The...